+91 98811 44511
当社のサービスポートフォリオには、エンジニアリングサービス、設計および製造サービス、寸法変動分析サービス、CAE分析およびシミュレーションサービス、および企業トレーニングが含まれます。これらのサービスは、Siemens NX、Simcenter、Star CCM +、Amesim、Tecnomatix、Teamcenter、ESI SYSWELD、ProCAST、PAM-STAMP、VPS、PAM-COMPOSITES、3DCSバリエーションアナリスト、およびポートフォリオで利用可能なその他のソフトウェア製品を中心に提供しています。
Sentio offers Engineering services to companies in product development and manufacturing activities.
With our deep understanding of the various industries acquired through interactions with hundreds of companies in automotive, aerospace, defense, heavy engineering, consumer durables, electronics, medical equipment, telecom equipment and others, we are fully aware of the challenges be it in terms of technology, regulatory compliance, timelines, go to market, competitive landscape, resource investments and so on.
We can offer engineering services in the form of digital transformation consulting services, technology adoption, new product development, design and manufacturing, product and process quality improvements among others.
With the help of a sister organization we can offer our customers an end-to-end integrated designing and manufacturing solution.
Using the Digital Tranformation products covering Computer Aided Design and manuafacturing (NX-CAD and NX-CAM), Design Space Exploration (HEEDS), Computer Aided Engineering (NX-Nastran, Simcenter), Process- Plant Automation & Robotics (Tecnomatix), Process Simulation (SYSWELD, ProCAST, PAM-stamp), Product Lifecycle Management (Teamcenter) and many niche tools for Battery Design, Electronic Cooling, Tyre, Seating, Composites and so on, we offer the most complete and integrated software services.
Our manufacturing services near Pune include automation and machining services which can be availed for prototyping, proof of concept, tooling, jigs and fixture design, testing and so on. This gives us an edge in terms of verification and validation of digital twin with the physical one.
Sentio offers Dimensional Variation Management services as a crucial step in the Design for Manufacturing and Assembly process.
Armed with the world's best DVA tools - 3DCS and QDM we are able to help designers optimize their assembly variations within an acceptable range while maintaining the aesthetic and functional objectives.
Through multiple DVA projects carried out for customers across automotive, consumer durables, electronic and telecom, industrial equipment, medical devices, aerospace etc., we have significant insight into typical problems faced by designers in defining datums, part GD&T/ tolerances as per ISO/ ASME/ DIN standards, tooling and fixtured design, incorporating process induced distortions, manufacturing process capabilities (Cp/ Pp).
We can help companies manage quality objectives across own plants and suppliers with statstical process control / quality control tools.
CAE and Simulation helps analyze the mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, metallurgical property changes the metal and non-metal parts are expected to undergo when subjected to various manufacturing and assembly processes.
Sentio has extensive experience in CAE and Simulation. We can help our customers accurately predict multi physics behaviour of their products in the design stage itself which helps them save expensive design changes or tooling modifications.
We apply our deep understanding of the various manufacturing processes such as milling, drilling, fluid flow, moulding, welding, casting, forging, rolling and so on with the help of 1D / 3D CAE Analysis and process simulation tools in our portfolio.
We understand that working executives have a constant requirement for skill development. Cross-skilling and Up-skilling are important for both the individuals as well as their exployers.
Sentio offers Training services to companies for the tools in our product portfolio.
Our training courses deliver standard or customized content . Training can be conducted online or on-campus to suit the customer requirements.
Our various training programs include:
1. GD&T (Basic and advanced)
2. Tolerance Stackup Analysis
3. DVA using 3DCS
4. Welding Process Simulation
5. Casting Process Simulation
6. 1D Simulation with Amesim
7. 3D CAE Simulation with Simcenter